
Quick and simple ways to prepare your produce at home

Quick Pickle Turnips / Pepinillos de nabos rápidos

Strawberry Salsa / Salsa de fresa

Storing and Crisping Lettuce / Almacenamiento de la lechuga

Herb Salad Dressing / Aderezo con hierbas

Beet Hummus / Hummus de betabeles

Storing herbs /
Cómo almacenar hierbas frescas

Baked Zucchini Sticks / Palitos fritos de calabacín

Spring Stir Fry / Salteado de primavera

Swiss Chard Roll Ups / Rollos de acelga

Veggie Patties / Empanadas de vegetales

Simple Cucumber Dip / Salsa de yogur con pepino

Honey Mustard Green Beans / Ejotes con mostaza y miel

Sesame Soy Salad with Kohlrabi / Ensalada de colirrábano con aderezo de ajonjolí y soja

Yogurt Sundae / Yogur con fruta

Kale Chips / ‘Papitas’ de col rizada

Carrot, Jicama and Orange Salad / Ensalada de zanahoria, jícama y naranja

Blueberry Cucumber Salad / Ensalada de pepino y arándano

Sesame Broccoli / Brócoli en ajonjolí

Celery Radish Salad / Ensalada de apio y rábano

Farmers Market Salad / Salsa de verduras frescas

Bell Pepper Nachos / Nachos con pimientos

Comfy Greens Quick-Skillet Style / Verduras de sartén rápida

Bruschetta Salad / Ensalada de tomate y albahaca (bruschetta)

Roasted Bell Pepper / Pimientos asados

Roasted Honey Mustard Brussels Sprouts / Coles de Bruselas asadas con miel y mostaza

Sweet and Sour Cabbage / Repollo agridulce

Roasted Parsnips and Carrots / Chirivía y zanahoria horneadas

Roasted Radishes / Rábanos asados

Bok Choy Stir Fry / Sofrito de bok choy

Sautéed Leeks and Apples / Puerros y manzanas salteados

Mashed Celery Root (Celeriac) / Puré de raíz de apio (apio nabo)

Cauliflower Salad / Ensalada de coliflor

Apple Beet Salad / Ensalada de betabeles y manzanas

Winter Squash / Cómo cocinar la calabaza de invierno

Spaghetti Squash / Calabaza espagueti

Squash Squares / Calabacín en cuadros

Kale Apple Salad / Ensalada de col rizada y manzana

Interested in more recipe ideas? Check out our cooking videos!

These recipes were developed as part of the Farm to Family Project in partnership with Washington State University Skagit Extension. The Farm to Family project is based on work supported by the Food and Nutrition Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number USDA-NIFA-FINI-2017-70025-26683. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this flyer are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the USDA.

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