Quick and simple ways to prepare your produce at homeSesame Soy Salad with Kohlrabi / Ensalada de colirrábano con aderezo de ajonjolí y soja
Carrot, Jicama and Orange Salad / Ensalada de zanahoria, jícama y naranja
Roasted Honey Mustard Brussels Sprouts / Coles de Bruselas asadas con miel y mostaza
Mashed Celery Root (Celeriac) / Puré de raíz de apio (apio nabo)
Interested in more recipe ideas? Check out our cooking videos!
These recipes were developed as part of the Farm to Family Project in partnership with Washington State University Skagit Extension. The Farm to Family project is based on work supported by the Food and Nutrition Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number USDA-NIFA-FINI-2017-70025-26683. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this flyer are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the USDA.